Monday, January 11, 2010

Oh Scooters!....

There was a scooter crash last night, just out side the GVN house. We ran out to see if the guy was ok, but he was out cold. A huge group of people gathered, but no one called an ambulance?.. The only reason I could think of, was that an ambulance probably costs a lot of money and considering there are around 20 million people here who scrape by on only $1-2 US Dollars per day it's understandable.

I'm not sure if there is any such thing as first aid here? A Vietnamese man picked the boy up and shook him silly!.. to our horror!.. he finally came around after the longest 5 minutes ever, shakily stood up and staggered around for a bit, before running off into the night, leaving about 30 people standing there very puzzled? We'll never know exactly what was going on, but I think the young man had stolen the scooter from outside a near by pub, crashed it, then gapped it...

I took this opportunity to give a lecture about the dangers of scooters. I've seen 3 crashes since we arrived. A couple of the other volunteers have witnessed a scooter crash fatality
The roads of Vietnam are not for the faint hearted...

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