Sunday, January 17, 2010

Red Cross Vocational Centre

One of the neatest things about GVN, is how each volunteer comes from such different backgrounds. They bring with them, special skills and life experiances, which are proving to be very valuable. Its the end of week two and we've each began to find our own wee niche.

Robin has been fixing an electric wheelchair, for Tam one of the young boys with Cerebral Palsy, he's also fixed a dryer at one of the orphanages. Jody is helping with new brochures and promotional material... Everyone has slotted into their own groove. Last week I was asked to come up with some new products for the students to make at the Red Cross Vocational Centre. I'm really excited about this!

At the Red Cross, well and disabled young peolpe are given the opportunity to learn english and learn a skill which will insure them a brighter future. I love this place its such a great programe they are trained in Printing, embroidery and Tayloring.. Once they are up to standard, the Red Cross helps them to find jobs. This place is really cool!..

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