Friday, January 22, 2010

Goodbye Vietnam, I'll be back!...

Wow.. Time is flying by...

I've been here a month.
(extened my stay by 2 weeks) Because I loved it so much.
And neglected to let my parent know. "Oops Sorry Dad"
One month is no where near enough. I wish I could stay for at least three more!..

It's been an action packed four weeks. We started painting at Social Support, Disinfected the baby orphanage after an outbreak of pink eye, Phoebe and Thora have taken little Budda and Little old man baby to the doctor on the back of a scooter! "scary".

What else, what else?...Phuc duc is about to start walking, any day. Two babies have been adopted, 5 new babies have been dropped off, Red cross have made some cool travel pillows and eye masks to sell in the new GVN show room. We've attended a Vietnamese wedding, and an extremely sad funeral, Steven turned 27 Natalie turned 36, its been great!

New babies... there are now 12 newborns!. and 10 babies aged 6mths+ at the orphange we work at.. They're stretched! There are 4 carers and 22 babies. Since we arrived, there's been an outbreak of conguntavits, which is almost under wraps, pheew! (and only two men down). But now the babies have horrible chesty coughs "its a viscous cycle" Two have been adopted this month. Gosh and I have to ask! where dose all the money go? Certainly not here!.. I've been told it costs anywhere from 25-$50,000 to adopt a child, but they seem to barely scrape by???

After helping the gorgeous miss Tihn with her physio, I took her for a ride in the wheelchair "She loves it!" It's her reward for trying hard with her walking. We raced down the footpath, with Tihn laughing leaving a dog, some chickens, and a group of elderly men in our dust. When one of the wheels took off in front of us, great entertainment! and luckily I had a firm grip on the wee one.

Well I have enough stories to fill this blog for the next 12 months... its been one of the most fun and enriching experiences I've had in my whole life. I've met some amazing people and fallen head over heels in love with Vietnam. My placement finished last Friday, and I'm now making my way home to NZ..

For those of you thinking this is something you'd like to do. Do it, you wont regret it and there's no time like the present, Volunteers are desperatley needed in Hati at the moment.

I'll post a few new photo's for you each week, and keep you updated, untill the Soul project sends it's next volunteer.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lee Bees!

    I am so proud of you and your accomplishments! Safe travels back to the NZ and then come and visit me in Canadia!!

