Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy 2010!..

We touched down in Vietnam on New Years Eve. It has already been an eye opening experience
Trying to cross the road in Ho Chi Min City, a taxi ride Jody and I took yesterday, which involved 24 + people squashed like sardines, into a mini van and speeds of 120km while weaving through a sea of scooters and bicycle's. We definitely take for granted all the lovely wide open spaces and even the road rules we have in New Zealand.

Things I can tell you so far, it's very, very HOT and its the middle of winter!!! There is no such thing as personal space, and I have never seen so many scooters in my life. So much to tell, the GVN staff are fantastic, lovely people.and the 13 other volunteers here this month are a great bunch and an absolute pleasure to have met.

We are rushing off, just now, its just after lunch here and all the volunteers are jumping into the van ready to go to placement so I better run. More later....

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